
Showing posts from April, 2014

Acapulco - Banyan Tree

Banyan Tree, Acapulco Bay Bienvenidos a Acapulco... As Frank Sinatra would say, "It's perfect for a honeymoon..." I am not here on my honeymoon. I am here with my family and my goal is to read, relax, and return with detoxed and bronzed skin. This place is absolutely my jam. I downed enough iced-green-tea-mocktails by the infinity pool that all the honeymooners probably think I an alcoholic...oh and that my brother is my fiancé/ husband. His goal is to become obliterated by noon. He usually does not succeed since his tolerance is so high. Swimming in our underwear... #Prepared My father is quite a bit of a drinker as well... My mother is more of a bathing beauty kind of lady.... and I mean that literally. This strapping young man will drive you in a golf cart to your own private villa. But first, let's eat some lunch at the Asian/Vietnamese restaurant. "Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away. Just say the words and